The companion piece to the fifth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast Episode 5: Cloudy With A Chance of Candle.

Kayleigh and Laura preside over the fifth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast. The podcast drops every Monday on all-good podcasting platforms and discusses the weird, wonderful, and down-right unbelievable stories that are floating around the web.

The Stories Featured On Episode Five:

1. “IKEA raffles off meatball-scented candles to celebrate family club’s 10-year anniversary”

This story, which was published on,  and shares how the Swedish Superstore celebrated the 10th anniversary of their Family Club by raffling off a number of meatball-scented candles. Kayleigh explains why she thinks it’s the weirdest-smelling candle she can think of before Laura informs her of Gwyneth Paltrow’s candle range. Kayleigh’s mind is blown over the existence of the “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle and tries to work out if it’d be nice smelling. Kayleigh and Laura then imagine which weird scents would make good candles, which leads to a very odd confession by Kayleigh.

2. “Mum surprises her children, aged 7 and 9, by buying them £141,000 Mercedes Benz”

This story, which was covered by the website of the Daily Mirror,  states how an Australian businesswoman has splashed the cash on a Mercedes Benz and gifted it to her young children. Kayleigh and Laura point out what they’re not buying about the story before reminiscing about the expensive gifts their parents have brought them over the years. Kayleigh also provides her life motto when it comes to buying expensive cars.

3. “Bear relocated after wandering into Los Angeles supermarket”

This story, which was published on and features a news report from CBSN Los Angeles,  reveals how police were called to a supermarket early in the morning after reports of bears roaming the aisles. While it turned out to be just the one bear trying to do his shopping, Laura and Kayleigh imagine what it would be like to bump into such a creature while doing their weekly shop.

Laura also refers to how animals have been spotted in weird areas during and since national lockdowns, referring to an incident at the Olympics involving another bear, which can be read about here on the Independent’s website, and she also refers to how a herd of goats invaded the Welsh town of Llandudno, a story which received coverage from the BBC. Laura then goes on to share how she recently encountered a squirrel that she believes was planning to attack her, and Kayleigh suggested that Laura had a very Ricky & Morty experience based on the following clip:

TikTok Spotlight:

In the fifth edition of what is set to be a regular segment on the podcast, TikTok Spotlight, Chloe (a fan who emailed in) highlights a TikTok that he enjoys and believes others would enjoy.

The TikTok has since been deleted from TikTok but it was uploaded to Instagram, so can be watched by clicking the link below.

Kayleigh referenced “MrBallen’s” YouTube channel and highlighted the following Big Foot related video below:

And that was episode five, new episodes of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast drop every Monday.