The companion piece to the ninety-eighth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast Episode 98: Does My Toilet Know Too Much?

Laura and Jon Squires preside over the ninety-eighth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast. The podcast drops every Monday on all-good podcasting platforms and discusses the weird, wonderful, and down-right unbelievable stories that are floating around the web.

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Travel mishap lands NJ woman 900 miles from destination with no passport in new country

The first story Laura and Squires referenced on the podcast was featured on ABC New York and was about how a woman accidentally got on the wrong plane. The woman in question reportedly was set to be flying to her second home in Florida but ended up on a plane going to Jamaica.

Squires explained what he would have done differently to the woman and how he related the story by sharing his own plane mishap tale. Squires also stated why he didn’t think it was such an easy mistake to make.

Park wardens in Kansas urge people not to fish with guns

The second news piece discussed on the podcast was seen on SkyNews’ website and was about how park wardens in Kansas had to urge people not to fish with guns.

Squires shared his confusion at who was fishing with guns, how one fishes with guns and how the fish would even be edible if it was pumped full of leg.

Laura admitted that the story made her think of Rockstar’s epic game series Red Dead Redemption.

FDA: The heart-checking smart toilet seat is a go

The final story spoken about was about how there had been a technological advancement in the world of toilet seats. explained how a start-up company had been given the green light for its Heart Seat which could log users’ pulse and blood oxygen saturation.

Squires and Laura talked about the potential of smart toilets, general smart products, whether they’d be comfortable using one, and how obsessed they are with monitoring their vitals.

What The Buzz?

With Squires returning, a brand new what the buzz featured in this episode. Squires provided a mind-blowing fact all about the smells of Disney World and the lucrative business behind them.

And that was episode ninety-eight, new episodes of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast drop every Monday at 7am – Like, Subscribe, and Rate 5* where possible!