The companion piece to the ninety-fourth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast Episode Ep 94: Just Move

Laura and Kayleigh preside over the ninety-fourth episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast. The podcast drops every Monday on all-good podcasting platforms and discusses the weird, wonderful, and down-right unbelievable stories that are floating around the web.

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Cream and punishment! Moment brazen thieves steal $7,000 15-foot red spoon from Arizona Dairy Queen – before 52-year-old man playing Pokemon Go finds it in a baseball field

The first story of the podcast was featured on the Daily Mail’s website and was about how a giant red spoon had recently been stolen from a Dairy Queen.

Kayleigh argued her case for why someone would want a 15-foot spoon before focusing on the fact it was discovered in a field by someone playing Pokemon Go.

She admitted she wasn’t aware that people still played the popular mobile game and was baffled that people had continued to play it since its glory days years ago.

Red-faced estate agents sheepishly hide toilet in ‘weirdest ever’ master bedroom

The second weird news article referenced on the podcast was featured on the Daily Mirror’s website and was about a listing on a property website in the United Kingdom. The property in question had a bathroom in its master bedroom.

Kayleigh argued for why she wouldn’t want a toilet in the bedroom, before giving reasons why it may work for other people so wasn’t that weird.

She also shared some personal tales about the weird bathrooms she had come across in her life.

ChatGPT-powered Furby reveals toy’s ‘plan to take over the world’

The final news piece discussed came from SkyNews and was about how someone had combined ChatGPT with a Furby. The result? A furby revealing that the toy had a plan to take over the world by using its cuteness.

Kayleigh and Laura discussed this horror-movie fuel story before sharing their personal experiences with Furbies.

TikTok Spotlight

Kayleigh shared a TikTok about a parent discovering they’ve accidentally buried a cat that isn’t theirs.

And that was episode ninety-four, new episodes of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast drop every Monday at 7am – Like, Subscribe, and Rate 5* where possible!