The companion piece to the sixty-third episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast Episode 63: Buzz Off, You Pesky Wasps

Laura and Jon Squires preside over the sixty-third episode of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast. The podcast drops every Monday on all-good podcasting platforms and discusses the weird, wonderful, and down-right unbelievable stories that are floating around the web.

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The Stories Featured On Episode Sixty-Third of The Totally Buzzed UK Podcast:

Brothers who haven’t spoken in 30 years both running for mayor of Ontario town

The opening story discussed on the podcast came from CTV.News and was about estranged brothers. The siblings in question had hit the headlines as they both were set to run to be mayor of their local town.

Squires and Laura discussed not talking to family members, politics, and how they’d handle to competing with a family member for a position of power.

Man Lost in Colorado Wilderness Nearly Left Behind by Rescue Helicopter After Searchers Mistake Distress Calls for ‘Hello’

The second news article was sourced from and was about how one rescue team nearly ignored the person they were looking for.

Squires shared his bemusement at how a signal for help could be confused for a hello and imagined how he’d reacted to being lost in the woods.

Row over shortage of World Cup trading cards forces government intervention in Argentina as collectors fume over lack of stickers, which has seen demand for Messi’s copy to hit £450

The final piece of news came from the Daily Mail and was about how sticker fever had run wild in Argentina.

Laura and Squiggy shared their experiences of collecting World Cup stickers and whether they’ll be joining in this year’s hype.

What The Buzz?

Squiggy provides a new-mind blowing fact and this time it’s about wasps.

This leads to Squiggy and Laura revealing their history with the angry insect.

And that was episode sixty-three, new episodes of the Totally Buzzed UK Podcast drop every Monday at 7am – Like, Subscribe, and Rate 5* where possible!